The observations of a 50 something with lots of experience in politics, government, life and learning.

Saturday, March 17, 2007


have I been? This blog only has about three readers, five on a good day, but 2/3 of the regulars have pointed out to me that it's been almost a month since I posted. Excuses, excuses, but here are some....

a. I was away two weekends. Once in CA to celebrate Betsy's birthday (oh yeah, I already told you about that....) and then to Madeira Beach to spend time with the Abuisis and the Bakers. Missed one storm while we were in FL so that was good and also had a roaring good time, but...

b. that is all of the good news.

c. One of my best friends, Marge McPherson, died suddenly at the end of February. She was only 60 and we are all shocked. What do you say about a 25 year friendship that managed to survive across a 1500 mile divide for almost half the time? Our kids were the exact same age, and we spent literally thousands of hours together as families, as moms with kids, as friends. She was the shoulder I would cry on. I can't imagine a world without her. I am so glad that she and Mike were at David and Jenny's wedding, because even though I had very little time with any individual person, lots of my friends met her and spent time with her that weekend and so it helps them understand how wonderful she was. My sister in law Hilary remembered that she had been at Betsy's graduation from Wesleyan.....

d. The state of politics in the State has made me so sad that I just want to crawl into a hole. I know the vernal equinox period is bad for the "blues" but the press treatment of our wonderful governor has been the most atrocious thing I have ever seen. And, having caused great harm, not only is no one sorry, but they ask the most UNBELIEVABLE questions about sensitive personal information. Yes, he's the governor, but every family deserves a "zone of privacy" I think we all decided to call it? The Boston Globe and their brothers and sisters have no respect for that zone and it makes me ill. Congratulations to Liz Morningstar who I think is just one of the best things going in MA politics. When God closes a window, She opens a door. So I am glad that I got to meet Liz last week at the Kitchen Cabinet meeting and hope that I will be able to work with her in the coming months.

And there's a foot of snow outside. And it's March. Now is everyone happy?

e. Supposedly 70% of the registered voters in this country are paying some attention to the race already. I see this as a sign that everyone wishes we had a parliamentary form of government and could call for new elections. I suppose another part is that this race has more "star power" in it than traditional races. Even though I am a Barack person, many of us secretly hope for a "GOBAMA" ticket...Al and Barack. Twenty months is a lifetime in politics. who knows?

f. The Worcester Telegram didn't endorse my candidate in the State Rep. race. They do say that the person they endorsed will be independent of the "usual suspects" however. We'll see.

g. I am also thinking of my new friend Mary Pat Akers. She is an incredible human being. Talk about profiles in courage.

h. Russ Carpenter turned 75 last week! Unbelievable. We had a very intimate dinner party for him last night (four of us!) which was great fun and proved that you can whip up a gourmet meal in 90 minutes. OK, so I had to use Duncan Hines cake mix. But the frosting was put on with love.....

i. Take time today to tell someone that's important to you that you think they're special. The opportunities are NOT unlimited.


Southview said...

Marge... you must remember that it is a persons personal life and their attitudes that make up a persons character. In politics especially...look what we have going on in washington as we speak. Would you want your children to grow up to have the character of lying, and selfishness that George Bush and Cheney, and Rove have? I don't think so! Why do you think GOD is a woman? I think it reads "On the seventh day ( HE ) rested"

Diva of Demographics said...

Thanks for being reader #6! I am enjoying your blog. I don't agree with everything you say, but I love your spirit. And you're right. The one thing we can all agree with the mayor about is the "value" of the famous report. If you read one of the very first postings of my blog, back in 2005, I talked about some consultants (people I actually liked) who had been hired to ferret out information that I could have told you two hours after attending the second staff meeting.

And I wonder why I never made it in the consulting business. Didn't know how to dress it up right!

Southview said...

margeware...I'm glag there is dissagrement with my opinion, after all that is what this blogging thing is all about. What a boring dull life it would be if everyone agreed with everything!

Tim Kushi said...

Really, a Gore/Obama ticket? I don't know. As I see it, Obama is seeing a duplication of the deliriously overzealous "media funhouse" Howard Dean received.

With Gore we're gonna get all the "why didn't you address these issues in 2000" slams. Worse, Gore would simply receive the same treatment in 08 that he got in '00--and by the general election our side will be combating a GOP smear offensive that casts a G/O ticket as the The Convenient Exaggerator & Unaccomplished Smiling Freshman.

My guess is they'll have Obama wearing signs taped to his back saying "Kick Me" before he even goes to lunch, and that could be before or after he gets stuck on the roof looking for the school pool some nice upperclassmen gave him directions to...

At this point, I'm hoping for an Edwards/Clinton ticket. At this point, that is...

naplblog said...

Hey, I'm reading, Margie. Glad you managed a vacation with those wonderful Abusi folk. See you at the library!